1.27 Install MatriX firmware using MIOS Studio
Update the installed MIOS bootloader to the full MatriX app
Before starting the software installation, power your MatriX core with the 12V PSU. To do that, just plug in the cable in the 12V barrel connector and then connect it to your computer via a USB cable. You will need an up-to-date version of MIOS Studio, that you can get
The installation is identical to the software installation you performed for your SEQ v4+ or LoopA, just use the newest MatriX app release available on the
is a short video tutorial for the installation of the software on the SEQ v4+, just perform the same steps for your MatriX core.
After the app is installed and if you have not installed any MicroSD card yet, you should be greeted by the MatriX test mode - well done and enjoy! :)